To Read: Let's Pretend This Never Happened
I was actually at a Blogher conference in New York the firsttime I heard mention of “The Bloggess.”
“I was recently retweeted by The Bloggess,” one attendee said,“and she’s huge.” Then, a reverential hush fell over the room in honor of boththe name mentioned and the accomplishment. The discussion was about connectingwith other bloggers and marketing, but I was much more fascinated by themention of this Bloggess. The name was obviously awesome, and speaking of her had rendered a room full of bloggers speechless – not exactly an easyfeat.
Of course, I wasn’t going to admit to my ignorance at thetime. After all, I was at a blogging conference and, clearly, one of the bignames in the game had just come up. If anything, I was supposed to be with itand knowledgeable of my industry (or so my Twitter feed would have youbelieve), but obviously, I was out of the loop on one very important point.
What I gathered from the crowd, apart from the fact that itwas a very big deal to be mentioned by the Bloggess (not something that I’m atall contesting, Maria Shriver favorited one of my tweets and it made 2012), wasthat the Bloggess was a big fan of “the f-word.” And that was good enough forme.
Getting to the real point here, I loved Let’s Pretend ThisNever Happened by the Bloggess, also known as Jenny Lawson.
I’d love to tell you more about this book, but I also feellike if I call out specifics I’ll be the jerk who says punch lines to otherpeople’s jokes or that person in the Facebook feek who keeps posting about deaths onDownton Abbey/The Walking Dead without any seeming comprehension of what aspoiler is or that most people these days use a little something called DVRrather than watching shows in real time.
This book is simply too funny, and I want you to discoverall of that funniness for yourself. Let’s Pretend This Never Happened is a bookthat is all about voice, and for that reason, you’ll want to read these storiesfor yourself.
Entering Jenny Lawson’s world is a hysterical treat. So, doyourself a favor and don’t be one of the last people to catch on here. (Trustme, it’s not a fun place to be.)
As I believe Jenny Lawson might say now, you’re welcome.
This is a paid review for BlogHer Book Club but the opinions expressed are my own.