A Site Worth Checking Out
Having hit a writer's block of sorts, I thought I would let you all know about something I enjoy greatly, but you might not have heard of:You can actually buy the TLC-advertised "Life Lessons" figurines at the Discovery Channel online store. (Now, I realize that some of you may be like a very dear friend of mine who had to stop watching The Learning Channel because she was worried she would never have children of her own after watching women climb naked into kiddie pools of warm water while their friends watch them give birth bent over on all fours on "A Baby Story." This is thoroughly understandable, but I promise there is a reason to give TLC another chance.) The figurines look like so many collectibles you could find at Hallmark or Kirkland's, but include truisms like "Merlot and e-mail don't mix," "Dating is awkward but so is becoming the crazy cat lady," and "Nothing can ruin a career faster than an office party."Enjoy: www.tlc.com