"Borrowing" the Internet

As soon as I got my laptop, I immediately turned on the computer and started figuring out which wireless networks I could access from my neighbors without a password.One of the aspects I enjoy most about being able to pick up on other wireless networks is seeing what names people give their internet link.For being in the Midwest, most of mine were to be expected - Illini2003, Cubs are Number 1. There were even some that must be first or last names - Thompson, Fayette.But, my favorite by far is the one I least expected - "Lauren is a Whore."Now, I can only imagine that this is the work of an extremely embittered ex. Which, actually makes we wonder why the network is password protected. If I were that open about my animosity, I'd make my internet open to anyone and everyone. After all, isn't it better to get back at an ex if everyone knows about it? Wouldn't you like for strangers to sit around saying, "I just love my internet access. I use 'Lauren is a Whore' all the time."Plus, the double entendre would probably be good for a few laughs, especially during those times when you're tempted to drink wine, look at old pictures, and pretend that having James Blunt's "You're Beautiful" as your song was romantic and unique.At least, I actually sort of hope this is the work of an embittered ex. Otherwise, there might be a not-so-subtle call girl down the hall.


Summer in the City


A Trip to Schaumburg, Illinois