Downtown Doggie: Part 2

It might seem like all I’ve seen of Chicago are pet stores, and while this might be frighteningly close to reality - it’s not entirely true. But, last Friday I did visit the doggie boutique in the bottom of the 7 story Marshall Field’s department store not long after my first pet boutique experience. (How I love Marshall Field’s!) And, while tempted by the "Mommy’s Single" dog t-shirt, I still know better than to spend $30 on crap or $20 on designer doggie bandanas/crap.But, during my shopping, I discovered the following pillow. And, I have to say, I really can’t think of anything more terrifying for a first date (or any date for that matter) to find in your home."Dogs Never Lie About Love"?!?! The levels of crazy are almost too much. After all there’s (a) I’m extremely bitter about past relationships, (b) I love/trust my dog to a gold standard that no human being or mere mortal will ever hope to near, and (c) Don’t you dare think about telling me anything less than the truth because I will hunt you down and destroy you with the tenacity of a rabid dog, thus completing the odd circle that is our relationship from the moment you read this throw pillow and chose not to bolt from my presence.I small chill runs down my spine just looking at it.(And, no, I didn’t end up buying it.)(And, no, not because I realized I could needlepoint it myself for less. "Dogs Never Lie About Love" will not make an appearance in my home.)


Downtown Doggie: Part 1


Laurel Returns to her Daily Blogging